Antonio Annarumma. English version

November 19, Milan
Antonio Annarumma, 22 years old, Public Security guard

In force for a few months in the 3rd speed department of Milan Antonio, on 19 November 1969 he was part of the contingent that faced two demonstrations in Milan, one by students and one by workers, called for the cost of rent. The clashes are ferocious and last for hours; 55 public security guards and 5 carabinieri are injured. Antonio Annarumma is driving a jeep in via Larga, while police vehicles begin carousels to disperse the demonstrators.
According to the judiciary’s reconstruction of the facts, some protesters pick up steel tubes from a nearby construction site and throw them at police vehicles. A tube hits agent Antonio Annarumma, penetrating his skull, causing an almost instantaneous death; the vehicle he was driving, out of control, collides with another. Annarumma dies after three hours of agony in hospital.
The judiciary later ascertained:
* that the three officers who were on board with Annarumma declared that they had seen the tubular hit their colleague;
* that the autopsy found a wound with a circular section of approximately 50 millimetres with penetration up to half of the victim’s skull;
* that the diameter of the tubes that the police claim to have collected at the site of the clashes was 48 millimetres.
The judicial investigation was able to precisely identify the malicious causes of the death but not those responsible. No one was identified or prosecuted for the death of the agent from the south.
His murder therefore remains unpunished, one of the many mysteries of the Years of Lead.