Remo Pietroni – English version


June 30, Florence
Remo Pietroni,
23 years old, security guard

It was June 30, 1977 when the metro night Remo Petroni on his daily lap in via Moreni, noticing a still Simca with three young people, (members of the Youth Front) who were suspiciously tinkering inside the car, approached for a check-up.
The three, who were preparing a bomb, ran away and Remo was shot while chasing them through the streets of the neighborhood. The guard managed to speak by radio with the headquarters of the Argo, the city’s historic surveillance company, thus sounding the alarm. The killers were immediately taken thanks to the abandoned car on the spot
Two days later the funeral was held in Santissima Annunziata, in a church overflowing with people in the presence of Mayor Elio Gabbuggiani and Gonfalone della Città. A pillow of white roses was laid on the coffin by his two-year-old son Davide, accompanied by Antonella, the mother, a widow in his early 20s of Remo. At the end of the ceremony, a spontaneous procession was formed that ran through the streets of the center to Piazza Duomo.