Luigi Allegretti – English version


March 10, Rome
Luigi Allegretti, 35 years old, cook

Rome, March 10, 1980, 11:30 PM. A red Alfa Romeo GT is parking at number 30 on via Tiepolo, in the Flaminio district.
Stepping out of the car is Luigi Allegretti, 36 years old, a cook at the renowned Augusteo restaurant in the heart of the capital. The street is almost deserted, but Allegretti is not alone.
A white Vespa with two young men on board slowly approaches the cook, who is meanwhile heading towards the entrance of his home.
The young man sitting in the back seat of the scooter pulls out a P-38 caliber pistol and after aiming it at the man, fires three shots in quick succession.
Hit in the heart, Allegretti collapses on the asphalt and is finished off with a final shot to the head. The Vespa speeds away, disappearing within minutes.
When the first responders arrive, there is nothing more they can do. Luigi Allegretti leaves behind a partner and three children, aged 2, 5, and 9.
The murder is claimed with an anonymous phone call received by ANSA from the “Armed Comrades for Communism,” who erroneously claim to have killed “the fascist Rosci.”
Allegretti was killed in a case of mistaken identity. The two killers’ target was Gianfranco Rosci, responsible for an MSI office in the Flaminio district and resident at number 38, not far from the scene of the crime.