Ottavio Conte – English version

January 9, Torvajanica (RM)
Ottavio Conte, 28 years old, agent of the NOCS of the State Police

He was murdered in the afternoon of January 9 on the Lungomare delle Meduse in Torvajanica (Rome).
At around 3:45 PM that day, agent Conte, who was off duty and unarmed at the time, had left his home to make a phone call from a telephone booth. He had just entered the booth when he was forcibly dragged out by two men who had gotten out of an Alfa Romeo parked nearby. The two attackers threw Conte to the ground and fired six shots at him with two .32 caliber pistols. Struck by four of the bullets, agent Ottavio Conte died on the spot, while the killers fled aboard the Alfa Romeo, where a third accomplice was waiting.
The murder was initially claimed by the “Antonio Gustini” Brigade, named after a Red Brigades member killed a few weeks earlier, but the investigation later shifted towards right-wing extremism. However, both investigative leads stalled.
The assassins of agent Ottavio Conte were never identified, and his murder therefore remains unsolved.