Alberto Muraro. English version

13 September, Padua
Alberto Muraro, goalkeeper

September 13, 1969, Padua: the body of the doorman Alberto Muraro is found at the bottom of the elevator shaft of the building where he worked. Two days later he would be interrogated as part of the investigations that Pasquale Juliano, head of the Padua flying squad, was conducting on some figures of the Venetian far right, including the future perpetrators of the Piazza Fontana massacre (12 December 1969).
But what did that retired policeman have to say? Only three months earlier, right in the building in Piazza Insurrezione, the police had made arrests. Suspected terrorists with weapons and explosives. The operation was coordinated by Commissioner Pasquale Juliano, the head of the flying squad who, at the dawn of the strategy of tension, had been involved in an investigation that had nothing to do with the common crime he was dealing with.
Over the weeks he had understood that something strange was happening in Padua. The city was becoming a nerve center of the black subversion of Ordine Nuovo. But Juliano committed a serious “imprudence” for which he would pay: he had put behind bars the very Ordinovist nucleus that prepared the attack in Piazza Fontana, the one that occurred on 12 December 1969 in Milan, in the National Agricultural Bank.
Another strange thing happened in prison: the neo-fascists who had previously accused each other spent a night in the same cell and then began to point the finger at Juliano, accusing him of having falsified the evidence against those arrested. The only one who could testify in favor of the policeman was Alberto Muraro, who had witnessed the arrests which also took place in the building where one of the leaders of that organization, Massimiliano Fachini, lived. His apartment was right on the third floor. But the story took another turn: those arrested were freed, Juliano indicted and transferred and Muraro dead, probably killed. And years later recognized as a preventative victim of the Piazza Fontana massacre.