Angelo Pistolesi – English version


December 28, Rome
Angelo Pistolesi
, 31 years old, employee Enel

Angelo Pistolesi, employee Enel, father of a family, manager of the section of the Italian Social Movement of Portuense, is murdered with firearms by a still unknown killer in the early hours of the day, on the way out of the house, on his way to work.
There were three different claims of the murder: by the Red Brigades, the Proletarian Armed Nuclei and the New Partisans. The most reliable claim is the latter.
Angelo Pistolesi is likely the target of a revenge of militant anti-fascism. He had been, in fact, among the Missini militants who had accompanied Sandro Saccucci to hold a rally in Sezze Romano during the 1976 election campaign for the policies. A demonstration ended tragically, with the protest of the anti-fascists and with the missini making their way by shooting to leave the country. Assessment of the clashes: a young communist dead, Luigi De Rosa (See card), a militant of Lotta continues injured.
On March 3, 1979, another participant in the clashes in Sezze, Miro Renzaglia escapes from a deadly amounding attempt: since then he has been living with a bullet in his lung.
No convictions have been issued for this murder.