Bornazzini, Lombardi, Magri – English version


01 December, Milan
Domenico Bornazzini
, 30 years old, private detective
Carlo Lombardi, 35 years old, butcher
Piero Magri, 29 years old, upholsterer

At 3.40 a.m. on 1 December 1978 a ‘steer’ of the Milan Police Headquarters intervened in via Adige, where a shooting had been reported. On the spot were three men, later identified as Domenico Bornazzini, Carlo Lombardi and Pietro Magri. They had been wounded with gunshots: two of them were spilled to the ground, the other inside a vehicle. Despite the rescues, the three died shortly after at the Polyclinic. Following investigations, two members of the ‘First Line’ organization were indicted of the murders. During the trial it emerged that the three victims had expressed political opinions in a bar in the Porta Romana area that were radically contrasting with those of the defendants and that they were considered offensive and intolerable because they were expressed in a ‘popular neighborhood’. The defendants were convicted. The Court of Assisi of Appeal of Milan established that the facts, although not “wanted” by the organization to which the defendants belonged, were nevertheless attributable to the militancy of their authors and not unrelated to the “climate” and “logic” of the subversive practice. The defendants were Maurizio Baldasseroni and Oscar Tagliaferri.