Bruno Bolognesi – English version


23 May, Passo Vizze (BZ)
Bruno Bolognesi, 23 years old, financier

The Financier Bolognesi, originally from Argenta, where he was born in 1942, after having attended the student course at the Alpine School of Predazzo, was assigned in 1961 to the Malles Venosta company, a department particularly involved in the protection of public order, which was seriously threatened at the time from anti-Italian terrorist attacks. In that period Bolognesi carried out delicate services to protect public safety, participating in patrolling the border line and distinguishing himself in operations to clean up and secure sensitive objectives. It was in one of these operations that he perished, on 23 May 1966, in Passo Vizze, in the province of Bolzano, following the explosion of a dynamite charge placed in the shelter that housed the summer detachment of the Guardia di Finanza.
This attack is part of the Brenner Connection, a series of attacks carried out by the BAS, a South Tyrolean separatist organisation, or rather by “the good guys of the Aurina Valley”: Siegfried Steger, Sepp Forer, Erich Oberleitner, Heinrich Oberlechner.

From del 23 maggio 2016
GdF: 50° anniversario scomparsa del Finanziere Bolognesi – Telestense