Enrico Donati – English version


December 14, Rome
Enrico Donati
, 20 years old

Communist guerrillas mistakenly kills Enrico Donati, 20, a drug addict. The crime took place on December 14, 1978 in via Ivrea 60, in the Appio Latino district. Four young people, Maurizio Di Gregorio, Cinzia Costantini, Claudio Annini and Enrico Donati are doing enlargement work in the ‘Speak easy’, a private club.

Suddenly three armed and masked men enter and begin to shoot. Di Gregorio, Costantini and Annini take shelter behind the furniture. Donati tries to get out but they cold him with a blow to the back.

Half an hour later comes a phone call to the “Messaggero”: “Here is Communist Guerrilla. We took two more: Maurizio the Negro and Cinzia. A statement will follow.”

In the statement, the next day, it is explained that Donato was killed by mistake, in place of Di Gregorio and Costantini, accused of being heroin dealers.

The action is part of a broader campaign that Communist Guerrilla and other similar organizations (such as the Fighting Proletarian Squads) are leading at that time against drug dealers in working-class neighborhoods.