Forleo Lorenzo – English version

February 18, Carpenedolo (BS)
Lorenzo Forleo, 42 years old, Carabinieri officer

While on his way to the barracks to undertake duty, police officer Lorenzo Forleo did not hesitate to intervene against an unknown man caught forcing the door of a parked car. An accomplice of these fired numerous shots at him from a short distance. Despite the very serious injuries sustained, Forleo finds the strength to hold his service pistol in an extreme attempt to react before collapsing to the ground. He died on 21 February 1977. The criminals were subsequently identified as exponents of right-wing extremism and also convicted for an attack carried out in Brescia (Piazza Arnaldo massacre): they were Giuseppe Piccini and Italo Dorini.

Lorenzo Forleo – Associazione Italiana Vittime del Terrorismo AIVITER

18 Febbraio – Blog – Il Centro