Francesco Di Cataldo – English version


April 20, Milan
Francesco Di Cataldo
, 51 years old, chosen major marshal

On April 20, 1978, Marshal Francesco Di Cataldo, Deputy Commander of the District House of Milan “San Vittore” and head of the clinical center of the prison, is crossing the intersection of Via Ponte Nuovo and Via Cairoli on the outskirts of the city, near Crescenzago, to reach the office. A few meters from his home he is confronted by two individuals with his face uncovered that blows seven 7.65 caliber shots, two to the head, four in the back and one to the left arm. Two other accomplices wait in a green Fiat 128 with the engine running and the doors open. The ambed was claimed by the ‘Walter Alasia’ column of the Red Brigades the same morning, at 7.40 a.m., with a phone call to the Milanese editorial staff of ANSA.

Francesco Di Cataldo was considered a man of dialogue with the detainees but branded as a tormentor by his murderers. At the funeral the inmates of San Vittore, with a gesture never seen before, made a collection to lay two wreaths of flowers.

Those responsible for the murder were punished as part of a collective maxi-trial held in 1984 against 112 people linked to the Walter Alasia Column, which ended with a total sentence of 19 life sentences and 840 years in prison and some acquittals.

Recognized by the Ministry of the Interior “Victim of Duty” pursuant to Law 624/1975, on June 15, 2004 on Mar.llo Magg. Francesco Di Cataldo was awarded the Gold Medal for Civil Merit for Memory.

Francesco Di Cataldo is named after the Casa Circondariale di Milano “S. Victor”.