Giuseppe Saporito – English version


November 3, Milan
Giuseppe Saporito
, 35 years old, worker

Giuseppe Saporito leaves the house with his little son Davide. In cars they pass through Via Castel Morrone just as the terrorists are leaving, weapons in hand, from the post office they have just robbed. A metronight chases them by shooting. One of the nappisti, Alfeo Zanetti, blocks Saporito’s car, hits him with the kick of the gun, forces him to leave him the steering wheel. Saporito is there, in the car, terrified, trying to protect the child next to him as terrorists and security guards continue to shoot themselves. A bullet, fired from the Mondialpol subway night, reaches Saporito and kills him. At the trial, for that worker who died because of them, from the men of the Nap (Alfeo Zanetti and Enzo Caputo) will not even come half a word of pity.
Giuseppe Saporito will be recognized as a victim of terrorism only 34 years later.