Graziella Fava – English version


March 13, Bologna
Graziella Fava
, 49 years old, domestic collaborator

The terrorist attack, still without justice, truth or guilty, was a well-articulated attack on freedom of the press and democracy. The headquarters of the Aser, at the time Asem, Associazione Stampa Emilia-Romagna and Marche, in via San Giorgio, was targeted as a symbol of journalism by a commando of three people. Two men and a woman entered the union, and after blocking and robbing an employee and the widow of a journalist who was asking for information, in addition to stealing documents from some drawers, they threw a phosphorus bomb setting fire, which destroyed everything.

The firefighters managed to rescue the two people, who had been locked up in a closet, but the smoke had now invaded the upper floors of the building: Graziella Fava, who cared for an 82-year-old, did everything to save her and succeeded, the elderly woman was severely intoxicated but survived. Graziella Fava was instead found only hours later without life on the landing. A little later, an anonymous phone call to the newspaper Il Resto del Carlino claimed action by the Wild Cats: an armed organization of the extreme left active in the Bologna area in the second half of the seventies.