Lino Ghedini – English version

February 18, Rho (MI)

Lino Ghedini, 52 years old, Brigadier of Public Security

He was killed on February 19 in Cascine Olona, a hamlet of the Municipality of Settimo Milanese, during a firefight with a fugitive red brigadier stopped by him and his patrol colleague for normal road contexts.

Around 9 pm the patrol commanded by Brigadier Ghedini and with Adriano Comizzoli on board stopped a “Simca 1100” that had a non-functioning lighthouse. From a documentary check of the two occupants (a man and a woman) some irregularities emerged that prompted the non-commissioned officer to deepen the verification of the vehicle. While the woman was still looking for the documents, the man – who will turn out to be a terrorist – got out of the car holding a revolver and opening fire. To fall first was the brigadier Ghedini who let go of a gust from the mitere hugged, dying almost on the spot. The murderer then threw himself to the ground, in fear of being shot down in turn by his colleague: he was arrested together with the woman. In the car was found copious paper material attributable to a subversive column of the Red Brigades.