Luigi Marangoni – English version

February 17, Milan
Luigi Marangoni, 43 years old, Medical Director of Policlinico Milan

Luigi Marangoni (Pavia, August 11, 1937 – Milan, February 17, 1981) was a doctor and the medical director of Policlinico di Milano. He had received numerous threats after reporting the perpetrators of some acts of sabotage within the hospital. He was killed by the Walter Alasia Column of the Red Brigades on February 17, 1981, while leaving his house by car on Via Don Carlo Gnocchi 4 in Milan. Four terrorists, armed with submachine guns and clubs, blocked his car and three of them shot him. Marangoni died, leaving behind his wife Vanna Bertelè, his 17-year-old daughter Francesca, and his 15-year-old son Matteo. He was the nephew of gymnast Carla Marangoni.
The assassination was claimed in a phone call to a newspaper in the name of the Red Brigades – Walter Alasia Column – Fabrizio Pelli Brigade. Today, the wing of the Policlinico dedicated to transplant coordination bears his name.