Marco Pizzari – English version

September 30, Rome
Marco Pizzari, 23 years old, surveyor

The murder of Marco Pizzari, an extreme right-wing militant, was committed in Rome on September 30, 1981 by members of the neofascist terrorist group Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari (NAR).

The murder took place in a historical context that, towards the end of their history in the early 1980s, saw the NAR involved in a sort of campaign of vendettas and settling of scores within the subversive right-wing environment, targeting alleged informers, traitors, and so-called exploiters.
“According to the thinking of the NAR, respect had to be shown towards their enemies, even if they were condemned to death for what they did. Towards traitors, however, such respect cannot exist and therefore they must be annihilated […] I think that Pizzari was killed for personal reasons and then someone claimed his death placing themselves in the area of the NAR. I mean he was killed because he had arrested two people and caused the death of one, but Pizzari had not participated in the struggle, and, therefore, could not be considered a traitor”
(Francesca Mambro from “A mano armata” by Giovanni Bianconi)
One of the targets decided by the terrorist group was identified as Pizzari: 23 years old, a graduate surveyor, son of a jeweler, he had just completed his military service with the rank of second lieutenant. A neighbor and old friend of Luigi Ciavardini, during the period of arrests following the bombing at Bologna railway station on August 2, 1980, he had been questioned several times by the police and the judiciary because he was indirectly involved in the events concerning Ciavardini’s alibi (who was later convicted for that bombing). Many neo-fascists thus convinced themselves that Pizzari had collaborated with the police and was responsible for the arrest of Ciavardini and Nanni De Angelis, and therefore also for the death of the latter.
On September 30, 1981, near Piazza delle Medaglie d’Oro in Balduina, a NAR commando dressed as police officers and consisting of Gilberto Cavallini, Alessandro Alibrandi, Giorgio Vale, Stefano Soderini, and Francesca Mambro in a blue Fiat Ritmo blocked Pizzari’s Fiat Panda, showing him a badge. When Pizzari got out of the car to approach what he thought was an undercover patrol, he was shot and killed with gunfire, two shots to the head and one to the chest. The claim flyer for the crime stated:
“On September 30, we executed the infamous informer Marco Pizzari, responsible for the capture and assassination of the revolutionary militant Nazareno De Angelis, who, although not belonging to our organization, was respected and esteemed by those of us who knew him. His death demanded revenge and revenge has been carried out, albeit only in part: others will have to pay too, not least those who wasted no time in avenging him with their usual words”