Salvatore Cabitta e Giuseppe d’Ignoti – English version


23 July, S. Martino di Casies (BZ)
Salvatore Cabitta, 25 years old, financier
Giuseppe D’Ignoti, 22 years old, financier

This attack is part of the Brenner Connection, a series of attacks carried out by the BAS, a South Tyrolean separatist organization, or rather by “the good guys of the Aurina Valley”.

Salvatore Cabitta was killed on 24 July 1966 in San Martino in Casies, near Bolzano. The terrorists surprised him from behind, firing near a bar, around 11.30pm. His colleague Giuseppe D’Ignoti also fell victim to the attack and died a few days later, while the financier Guzzo escaped with some injuries.

La Nuova La Nuova Sardegna del 27 luglio 2016
Ricordo di Salvatore Cabitta a 50 anni dall’assassinio La Nuova Sardegna