Stefano Cecchetti – English version


January 10, Rome
Stefano Cecchetti
, 17 years old, Student

Stefano Cecchetti, a 17-year-old student of the Archimede high school killed on January 10, 1979 in front of the Urbano bar in Largo Rovani by militants of the terrorist organization ”Compagni organized for Communism’, was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Stefano is not a fascist. His only “fault” is wearing a pair of Camperos, the cowboy boots that are considered a typical element of fascist clothing. Added to this is the fact that he is sitting together with two friends, Alessandro Donatone and Maurizio Battaglia, at a table in the Urbano bar, considered a ‘reunion of fasci’. That’s enough to decree his death sentence.

Pass a car, a Mini Minor, metallic green. A flurry of bullets explodes from the windows. The three boys end up on the ground, hit in full. The car unloads more shots on the crowd, at random, without hitting anyone. Panic is unleashed, the sirens of the ambulances launched at full speed to reach the scene of the shooting. The three boys end up in the hospital. Alessandro has suffered various injuries and is miraculously saved. Maurizio is injured only in his legs, it will take 20 days for him to fully restore. Stefano remains under the knife for almost six consecutive hours. The bullets hit him in the pelvis and chest, also piercing the aorta. He can’t do it. His killers were never identified.