Via Schievano Massacre

January 8, Milan
Antonio Cestari, 50 years old, Police Sergeant
Rocco Santoro, 32 years old, Deputy Sergeant
Michele Tatulli, 25 years old, Police Officer

The “Via Schievano Massacre” is the journalistic term for the politically motivated multiple homicide that occurred in Milan at 8:15 a.m. on January 8, 1980, in which three policemen were killed.
The attack was claimed by the Red Brigades (Walter Alasia Column), who wanted to “welcome” General Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, recently transferred to Milan to command the Pastrengo Division, in their own way. The victims were on duty at the Porta Ticinese police station of the Milan Police Headquarters.
The Red Brigades, armed with machine guns, followed a white Fiat 128 in a Fiat Ritmo used as an undercover police car, engaged in a patrol, and taking advantage of the morning traffic, opened fire, killing Deputy Sergeant Rocco Santoro, Sergeant Antonio Cestari, and Officer Michele Tatulli on Via Schievano, not far from the underpass of Viale Cassala.
In court, according to the prosecution, Nicolò De Maria was driving the car, while Barbara Balzerani, Mario Moretti, and Nicola Giannicola fired at the policemen, who, hit from behind, perished instantly. To commemorate the victims, the municipality of Milan placed a plaque in their honor in the aforementioned street, which was vandalized by unknown perpetrators on April 3, 2005.