Vittorio Bachelet – English version

February 12, Rome
Vittorio Bachelet, 54 years old, magistrate and Vice President of the Superior Council of the Judiciary

A member of the Christian Democracy party, friend, and admirer of Aldo Moro, after the administrative elections of June 1976, he was elected city councilor in Rome. On December 21 of the same year, he was also elected vice president of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, of which he was a member as a “lay” member, meaning elected by Parliament in a joint session with a very broad majority composed practically of all the forces that made up the so-called “constitutional arc.”
On February 12, 1980, at the end of a lesson, while talking with his assistant Rosy Bindi, he was assassinated by an armed group of the Red Brigades, on the mezzanine of the staircase leading to the professors’ rooms of the Faculty of Political Sciences at La Sapienza University. He was hit with seven .32 caliber Winchester bullets; Anna Laura Braghetti fired first, followed by Bruno Seghetti.
Two days later, his funeral was held at the Church of San Roberto Bellarmino in Rome. He rests in the family tomb in the Flaminio Cemetery. One of his two sons, Giovanni, then twenty-five years old, during the prayers of the faithful, uttered these words:
“Let us pray for our leaders: for our president Sandro Pertini, for Francesco Cossiga. Let us pray for all the judges, for all the policemen, the carabinieri, the prison officers, for those who today in various responsibilities, in society, in Parliament, in the streets continue at the forefront the battle for democracy with courage and love. We also want to pray for those who struck my dad because, without taking anything away from the justice that must prevail, may forgiveness always be on our lips and never revenge, always life and never the demand for the death of others.”