Vittorio Battaglini and Mario Tosa – English version

November 21, Genoa
Vittorio Battaglini
, 44 years old, Carabinieri
Mario Tosa, 26 years old, Carabinieri

The patrol of the radio mobile unit with Marshal Vittorio Battaglini, from Tuscany, 44 years old, and the chosen Carabiniere Mario Tosa, from Genoa, 26 years old, left at
7:10 am to start their shift and, as usual, stopped at the “Angelo” bar in Via Monti for a coffee.
The terrorist commando immediately sprang into action and riddled the two Carabinieri with bullets before fleeing aboard a stolen 128. Eleven 9mm casings were found around the two fallen officers. A phone call to the “Corriere Mercantile” claimed responsibility for the assassination by the Red Brigades – Francesco Berardi column. Around the same time, the Roman column had killed two local police officers. The date chosen for the ambush held a precise symbolic value: November 21 is the celebration of the Virgo Fedelis, the patron saint of the Carabinieri.