Vittorio Tiralongo – English version


3 September, Selva dei Molini (BZ)
Vittorio Tiralongo, 23 years old, carabiniere

On 3 September 1964, at approximately 9.30pm, two armed men, part of a South Tyrolean separatist organization, were stationed near the Carabinieri station in Selva dei Molini, in the province of Bolzano. Carabiniere Vittorio Tiralongo leaves the barracks for a breath of fresh air. It is alone, clearly visible. They shoot him with a sniper rifle from a balcony of the nearby house. They positioned themselves at the window of an inhabited house and calmly took aim. Everyone heard the bang. There was a rumble throughout the valley. And then there were no TVs or cell phones to distract. Yet no one sees or hears anything. Leaving the dying policeman on the ground, the two terrorists flee towards the Austrian border. The investigations will make it possible to ascertain that the weapon used was a 7.62 caliber Mauser carbine, found three years later together with a Beretta Automatic Musket (M.A.B.).

This attack is among those attributed to the “4 good guys from the Aurina Valley”: Siegfried Steger, Sepp Forer, Erich Oberleitner, Heinrich Oberlechner.

Page 7 – Notiziario Speciale 9 maggio
Interview dated 13 December 2021 by Paolo Campostrini
to the daughter of Vittorio Tiralongo
«Oberleiter ora ci aiuti a fare luce sugli assassini di mio padre» – Bolzano – Alto Adige